
Gresham’s Chief Wealth Strategist, Kim Kamin, Presented, Charitable Giving with Non-Charitable Trusts, for AICPA & CIMA ENGAGE

Aria Resort & Casino
June 7, 2023

Kim Kamin, Chief Wealth Strategist at Gresham Partners, LLC, presented on “Charitable Giving with Non-Charitable Trusts” for AICPA & CIMA ENGAGE. This presentation went through a review of income tax deductibility for charitable distributions from non-grantor trusts, analysis of existing irrevocable trusts to determine if distributions can be made or directed for charity or if distributions can be made to beneficiaries for charitable giving, consideration of investing in a pass-through entity that can make charitable donations and suggestions for drafting new trusts primarily for the family beneficiaries, but that also promote flexibility for future family philanthropy (including use of disclaimers for contingent charitable gifts).

If you would like additional information, please contact Kim Kamin at kkamin@greshampartners.com, or 312-960-0200.