How We Help

Full service. Fully committed to your needs.
Services to maximize your opportunities.

Our commitment to anticipatory service aims to deliver the highest levels of oversight, accountability and personalized attention, designed to provide you with peace of mind.

Investment Management

Traditional investment thinking adheres to a set of stale conventions.

How We

Our distinct view of portfolio construction is designed to dispel the illusion of diversification and provide access to managers typically unavailable to families on the common investment platforms of banks, broker-dealers and trust companies.

We attribute our long-term record of after-tax investment success to our rejection of conventional investment industry wisdom and tailoring investment solutions to fit your family’s unique needs.

How you know it’s right for you
Funnel Image

I need a filter for short-term investment noise so I can focus on long term investment solutions and after tax wealth creation.

How you know it’s right for you
Organizing Books Image

I want a portfolio designed for my family’s unique goals, not a cookie cutter portfolio built for the herd.

How you know it’s right for you
Relay Race Image

I have a business to manage and need to delegate complex investment decisions to an expert I can trust.

How We’re Different

Multi-Generational Focus

We focus on providing customized and innovative investment solutions specifically designed for multigenerational families. We believe our deep understanding of the unique challenges families face—including tax considerations, long-term time horizons, illiquidity tolerance, and structural complexities—sets us apart from traditional and institutional wealth management firms.

Multi-Generational Focus Open Close
Differentiated Solutions

Data shows that many fund managers fail to outperform the markets. However, it has been our experience that an elite minority of active managers with extraordinary talent have the ability to add tremendous value. We have found them to be independent thinkers and experienced investors who exercise discipline with their capital base. We cultivate relationships with these managers and create access to their limited-capacity strategies.

Differentiated Solutions Open Close
Real Diversification

Traditional approaches to portfolio construction rely on statistical simplifications of backward-looking statistics. Often these solutions have failed to provide the downside protection that individual investors require to stay invested through volatile market cycles. Designed to provide real, not illusory, diversification, Our Strategic Purpose approach provides clarity on portfolio exposure and tends to organize assets in a manner that reduces the illusion of diversification often created by conventional models.

Real Diversification Open Close

Wealth Planning

Growing your wealth. Fulfilling your vision.

How We

Wealth impacts every family — and everyone within a family — in different ways. That’s why we’re deeply involved in guiding you through the financial complexities and emotional challenges that accompany it. Our wealth planning process takes a holistic view of your unique circumstances and culminates in detailed recommendations that reflect your goals and values.

We provide personalized attention and oversight by working closely with your family, taking the time to develop a deep understanding of your needs. Whether it be guidance with charitable giving, wealth transfer strategies, or navigating family dynamics, we offer experienced counsel to help you develop a vision and implement strategies to achieve it.

How you know it’s right for you
Stressed Woman Image

I’m overwhelmed by the amount of information and advice available about my wealth.

How you know it’s right for you
Tumbleweed Image

I feel disorganized with assets all over the place.

How you know it’s right for you
Two People Talking Image

Do my current estate planning documents truly reflect my wishes?

How We’re Different

Deep Wealth Transfer Planning Experience

We offer a rare level of expertise, experience, and rigor to wealth transfer planning that is built on a strong technical foundation. Our Team has the capabilities to advise families on the most complex strategies and family issues, while working closely with their attorneys, accountants, and other advisors to coordinate the implementation of a full range of strategies.

Deep Wealth Transfer Planning Experience Open Close
Empowering Families Through Education

We believe family education programs work best when they are customized. We address a variety of issues through the development of personalized family education programs tailored to meet your particular concerns – From discussing family values and beliefs and arming your family’s rising generation with necessary information to prepare them to successfully manage wealth to addressing family legacy and governance issues and harmonizing the complex dynamics of extended or blended families, and much more. We assist in developing the programs that address challenges so your family can achieve goals, dreams and overall well-being.

Empowering Families Through Education Open Close
The Big Picture, in Focus

Our comprehensive reporting system provides you with customized reports that show your full portfolio of assets, including ones we do not directly manage. It also allows us to track and facilitate the handling of cash transactions, report on complex ownership structures, and tailor performance reporting.

The Big Picture, in Focus Open Close

Family Office Services

Orchestrating every detail.

How We

Focused on your broader needs, we provide advice and support beyond traditional financial services to simplify your life and help you achieve your goals.

In the face of a rapidly advancing landscape of innovation and specialization across every service industry, we have assembled an evolving network of specialists to address your family’s needs.

From tax planning and insurance strategies to private travel, family counseling and more, we help you receive virtually anything you may need in any sphere of life, when and where you need it.

How you know it’s right for you
Overworked Woman Image

I need to simplify my life and stop handling everything from bills, record keeping, property management to insurance.

View Client Story

How you know it’s right for you
Maze Image

I’m managing a labyrinth of independent advisors, teams, and processes and uncertain if I even have the right providers for my situation.

View Client Story

How you know it’s right for you
Elderly Man Image

I’m just as concerned about my family’s financial health as I am about our physical health and wellbeing.

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How We’re Different

Broad Scope
  • Risk Management
    • Property & Liability
    • Security
    • Cyber Security
  • Personalized Financial Management
    • Bookkeeping
    • Bill Pay
    • Payroll
  • Household Management
    • Staffing
    • Property Management
    • In Home Care
  • Concierge Health
  • Private Travel and Aviation
Broad Scope Open Close
Customized Guidance

Our discovery process first identifies your “pain” points. We then help you select among a network of hand-picked providers to provide the best solutions for you. This network builds customized, innovative solutions that we seamlessly integrate into your overall wealth management experience. We stay involved to monitor and evaluate performance and help address changing needs.

Customized Guidance Open Close
Vetted and Cultivated

Our carefully vetted network of advisors and preferred service providers meets stringent requirements with strong references. We have cultivated these relationships to establish an experience of interaction and open communication across Gresham and your family’s service providers, including assisting you with onboarding a new solution, monitoring the quality of your experience, and resolving issues.

Vetted and Cultivated Open Close

Trust Solutions

Bespoke and conflict-free trust administration and fiduciary selection

How We

We understand the importance of ensuring your family’s legacy is protected. For over 25 years, we’ve helped families choose the best balance of fiduciaries in trusts, including helping to navigate professional trustees, to achieve their goals. We offer comprehensive support in designing fiduciary succession plans and assist in the selection of trustees for your family’s trusts.

When desirable, we coordinate the engagement with trusted corporate fiduciaries to provide trust administration services to you in preferred trust jurisdictions. Trustee communications can also be handled through our team as needed to free up time for you and your family members.

How you know it’s right for you
Question Mark Image

I’m unsure about the ongoing management of my family’s trusts; what’s involved, and how often we should review them.

How you know it’s right for you
Hourglass Image

Should I empower my children to become trustees at a certain age?

How you know it’s right for you
Arrow Image

How can I best build in flexibility for changing circumstances?

How We’re Different


We coordinate with trusted corporate fiduciaries to provide a private label solution for your trust administration needs. Even when you prefer to have individuals (like family members or friends) as trustees, naming a corporate “backstop” trustee can help ensure a smooth transition. Gresham Partners Trust Solutions can be named as a current or successor trustee to ensure continuity of your trust assets across generations.

Continuity Open Close
Preferred Partnerships

Many banks and trust companies invest their client’s assets for a fee as a condition of providing trust administration services. We work with independent, conflict-free corporate trustees in favorable jurisdictions. These fiduciaries are staffed with a team of professionals who have been administering trusts with complex structures for decades. As a Directed Trustee, they focus solely on trust administration, following your investment directions or delegating as you prefer. We offer access to their trust services on a discounted basis.

Preferred Partnerships Open Close
Creative Solutions

We offer access to personalized, flexible trust administration that provides you with the best solutions for your trusts, including:

• Jurisdictions with favorable trust laws like Delaware, South Dakota & Wyoming.

• Experience with asset protection trusts, silent trusts, 1031 exchange funds and trusts that hold large stock concentrations, closely held businesses, partnerships & LLCs.

• International trustee services.

• Executor services in select situations in certain states.

Creative Solutions Open Close