Duties and Powers of the Trustee
Family Office Exchange (FOX) Workshop — Grantors, Trustees, and Beneficiaries: A New Look at Roles and Responsibilities
March 27, 2012
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM
Kim Kamin, now Chief Wealth Strategist at Gresham Partners, LLC, spoke at the FOX workshop, Grantors, Trustees, and Beneficiaries: A New Look at Roles and Responsibilities, on Tuesday, March 27, 2012, at the Gleacher Center (450 North Cityfront Plaza, Chicago). Ms. Kamin copresented the session “Duties and Powers of the Trustee,” which addressed the primary roles and responsibilities of trustees, as well as the liability that comes with oversight of trust investments, distributions and compliance, and in some cases, guardianship or other family-related responsibilities. CLE credit. For more information on this workshop and other workshops, contact the Family Office Exchange at 312.327.1231 or workshops@familyoffice.com.