
Gresham’s Chief Wealth Strategist, Kim Kamin, Co-Presented, Handling Dementia and Incapacity in Wealth Advising, for the Ultra High Net Worth Institute

UHNW Institute
National Webinar Roundtable
May 18, 2023

Kim Kamin, Chief Wealth Strategist at Gresham Partners, LLC, co-presented on “Handling Dementia and Incapacity in Wealth Advising” for the Ultra High Net Worth Institute. This panel discussed how to recognize signs of dementia, the differences between competency and capacity, the advisor’s role in addressing capacity issues, recourses to support aging adults & common crises in family systems affected by dementia.

If you would like additional information, please contact Kim Kamin at kkamin@greshampartners.com, or 312-960-0200.