
Gresham’s Chief Wealth Strategist, Kim Kamin, Co-Authored, “Attorney-Client Privilege in a Team Environment”

Kim Kamin, Chief Wealth Strategist at Gresham Partners, LLC, co-presented in a live webinar
with David C. Blickenstaff of Schiff Hardin LLP, on Attorney-Client Privilege in a Team
Environment, which was broadcast on July 10, 2019.

Clients may assume that communications about their estate plans will remain confidential
regardless of who is involved; but privilege doesn’t apply to all communications and can be
easily waived, putting both client and attorney at risk. This program examined privilege in the estate planning context, distinguished the work product doctrine, and particularly focused on communications involving multiple members of the estate planning team.

If you would like additional information, please contact Kim Kamin at
kkamin@greshampartners.com, or 312-960-0200.